Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dear David,

Making an Arnold Palmer in my mouth
Dear David, 
I love spending time with you.  The words that come out of your mouth always seem to come from a deeper, older soul.  Today was no different.  
We were riding in the car, just the two of us having one of our car-talks about whatever when you abruptly changed the subject and announced, "You are my favorite mom!"  We went on to argue who loved who more.  I won.  You on-upped me with your question, "How did you you pick me to be in your belly Mom?"  Oh, D.  You kill me with your sweetness.  "Well, God actually picked you for us." I explained.  "God must have said, 'Hey!  Who wants to go join the Elmgren family?  They need another baby!'"  You interrupted, "I bet I jumped up and said, 'ME! ME!'"  Oh. My. God.  You are seriously the sweetest thing.  I agreed and told you how lucky we were that you and God picked us.  You got quiet for a moment and looked out the window.  Finally you spoke up again, "My eyes are kinda watery."  That's my boy!  My emotionally intelligent, sensitive, old soul.  "Yeah?"  I asked.  "Why are your eyes tearing?"  I held my breath, knowing your reply was going to probably send me over the edge.

"You know when you burp and hold it in your mouth?  Well it fizzes up your nose then your eyes water.  It feels really weird."

I love you to pieces David!!  
Love, Momma

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